Jumat, 26 September 2014

Active and Passive Voice


Vitamins (combination of two words: Vital Amines) are the complex organic substance essential in small quantities to the metabolism (nutrition) in most animals. These are found in minute quantities in food, in some cases are produced by the body, and are also produced synthetically. The human body needs them to work properly, so that we can grow and develop just like we should. Their deficiency results in many serious disorders.

Vitamins are divided into two major groups: the ‘fat-soluble vitamins’ designated as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K, and the ‘water-soluble vitamins’ which include vitamin C and the group of molecules referred to as the vitamin B complex.  Each of them has its own special role in the development of human body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin, plays a really big part in eyesight and helps us to see in dim light and also at night. Vitamin A is also involved in the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. In addition, it is necessary for proper bone growth, tooth development, reproduction and for the development of epithelial cells (that line any opening to the body e.g.; nose, throat, lungs, mouth, stomach, intestines and urinary tract). Vitamin A can be found in eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, fish oil, liver (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey or beef), butter, broccoli, apricots, nectarines, cantaloupe, and orange or yellow vegetables or fruits. The deficiency of vitamin A can cause two major disorders like: night blindness and drying of skin.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B itself is a complex of different vitamins like: B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. These B vitamins are very important in metabolic activity and in facilitating the red blood cell (which carry oxygen throughout your body). They also help your body make protein and energy. The sources of vitamin B are leafy green vegetables seafood, beans, peas, citrus fruits, whole grains (such as wheat and oats), poultry, meats, eggs and dairy products (like milk and yogurt). Some bacteria in our large intestine also prepare some type of B-vitamins.
The deficiency of vitamin B can cause the disease “Beri Beri”, cracked lips, weak muscles, malformation of red blood cells, affects normal growth and disturbs the nervous system.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble, antioxidant vitamin that is vital to the production of collagen, a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. It is important for keeping body tissues, such as gums and muscles in good shape and it helps in quick healing of wounds. In addition, it helps protecting the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation. The vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits (like lemon & orange), cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and in other fresh fruits and vegetables. The deficiency of vitamin C affects the healthy skin; poor wound healing and can lead to a disease called “Scurvy” which causes bleeding in gums, easy bruising, bumps of coiled hair on the arms and legs, pain in the joints, muscle wasting, and many other problems.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates the formation of bone and the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine. It helps to control the movement of calcium between bone and blood, and vice versa. It is this vitamin you need for strong bones and teeth. In addition it helps your body absorb the amount of calcium it needs. Vitamin D can be found in fish liver oil, egg yolks, milk and other dairy products fortified with vitamin D. It is also produced in our body in the presence of ultra violet light and sunlight. The deficiency of vitamin D can cause weak bones and bowed legs (in children). And its excess can cause loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, headache, depression and deposits of calcium in the kidneys.

*Note: The sentence that is given underline is Active Voice and the sentence that is given bold is Passive Voice.

  1.   Active Voice
A feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipient: The mechanic fixed the car.

  •          They also help   your body make   protein and energy.
                 S              V1                        V1             O 
From the example above: They as a subject, help and make as a verb, and protein and energy as an object. A tense that is used in this sentence is Simple Present Tense.
  •          The human body   needs   them.
                         S                  V        O 
It means that, the human body as a subject, needs as a verb, and them as an object. A tense that is used in this sentence is Simple Present Tense.
  •          The ‘water-soluble vitamins’   which include vitamin C and the group of
                                    S                        Pronouns

              molecules referred  to as the vitamin B complex.

From the example above: the ‘water-soluble vitamins’ as a subject, which as a relative pronoun that explain about a dependent clause that functions as an adjective: that is, it modifies a noun or pronoun. And  referred as a verb. A tenses is used in this sentence is Past Tenses.

  •        It helps your body  absorb  the amount of calcium  it needs.
                                  S          V                     O
 Tenses that is used in this sentence is Present Tenses.

  •          Vitamin C or ascorbic acid          is                 a water-soluble.
                                  S                      tobe/aux                      O
 This sentence is also use Present Tenses.

 2.Passive Voice 
A feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participle: The car was fixed by the mechanic.

  • In some cases are produced by the body. { Present Tense}
From the example above, a tenses that is used in this sentence is a simple present tense because the pattern to present tense is S + tobe (is, am, are) + V3. Are as a tobe for present and produced as a V3.

  • Vitamins are divided into two major groups. {Present Tense}
                S      tobe  V3
This sentence is also use present tense.
  • Vitamin A can be found in eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, fish oil, liver (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey or beef), butter, broccoli, apricots, nectarines, cantaloupe, and orange or yellow vegetables or fruits.
S + can/must/may + be + V3
From the example above, vitamin A as a subject, can as an auxiliary so to be that is used in passive voice is be and found (V3).
  • The vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits (like lemon & orange).
From the example above, vitamin C as a subject, can as an auxiliary so to be that is used in passive voice is be and found (V3).
  • It is also produced in our body in the presence of ultra violet light and sunlight.
This sentence use present tenses
S + tobe (is, am, are) + V3

The Formula of the Passive Voice.
Present Tense                          : S + tobe (is, am, are) + V3
Past Tense                               : S + tobe (was/were) + V3
Simple Future Tense                 : S + shall/will + tobe (be) + V3
Past Future Tense                     : S + should/would + tobe (be) + V3
Present Perfect Tense               : S + has/have + tobe (been) + V3
Past Perfect Tense                    : S + had + tobe (been) + V3
Continuous Tense                     : S + tobe (is, am, are) + being + V3
Past Continuous Tense              : S + tobe (was/were) + being + V3
P. Perfect Continuous                : S + has/have + been + being + V3
Past Perfect Continuous            : S + had + been + being + V3
Future Cont Tense                    : S + will/shall + be + being + V3
Past Continuous Tense              : S + would/should +be + being +V3

 3.The sentence that could not be changed in Passive Voice.
  •  Nominal sentence 
The sentences that needs tobe (am, is, are, was, were) as the main verb, such as: I am beautiful, he is sad, they were tired.
  •  Intransitive Verb 
Intransitive verb is a sentence that is not needs object, such as: I sleep there, he arrives at home, and she dies.

Oshima, Alice and Hongue, Ann. 1999.Writing Academic English Third Edition. New York: Longman.
Rinto, Ipnu. 2011.Super Cepat Kuasai 16 Tenses.Yogyakarta: Buku Pintar.